Byron Bay Naturopath
Gender Swaying
Key points
Gender swaying is a programme designed to influence the gender of your child combining the techniques of 3 different theories for maximum advantage: Dr Shettles methods, the Diet Method, Lunar cycles. There are no guarantees of course but it is simply trying to sway nature to select either the androsperm (male-producing sperm) or gynosperm (female-producing sperm). It can be seen as meddling with nature and also as an indulgence, although, in practice, most people who make the effort to achieve a particular gender for their children do so for quite serious reasons. These may include the desire to avoid passing on a gender-related inherited disease, or to redress the imbalance in a family already oversupplied with one gender. There are, however, those who seek to influence the gender of their children for sexist reasons or because of the demands of a sexist society. Therefore, Claudette only offers the Gender Sway programme to couples who have no history of fertility problems, who already have two children of the same gender and who are obviously wanting to have another child regardless of the gender.
What’s Involved.
The program involves monthly consultations for approximately 4 months prior to wanting to conceive in order to learn the three methods properly. Each consultation is approximately 1 hour to obtain your full case history and teach you how to chart your menstrual cycles. The consultation includes instruction in identification of fertility at mid-cycle through observation of body symptoms and monthly cycle charts to record observations as well as naturopathic treatment to regulate cycles and for menstrual, hormonal, reproductive and nutritional health. Claudette will treat any hormonal imbalances to make it easier to apply the gender sway techniques as well as treating nutritional deficiencies during this time to ensure you are ready both for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
The Three Gender Swaying Theories:
1. The Shettles method
This method relies on Dr Shettles’ observation of the characteristics of the gynosperm (female-chromosome-carrying sperm) and androsperm (male-chromosome-carrying sperm). To take advantage of these different qualities, he recommends different procedures including intercourse positions, douches, timing in the cycle, etc to favour either gynosperm or androsperm.
2. The Dietary method
This method involves a dietary plan based on the theory that eating specific foods affects the pH in the female reproductive tract which in turn will favour the androsperm or gynosperm. Boy or Girl? by Dr Francois Papa and Francoise Labro, Souvenir Press, UK, 1984 is the book written by the French doctor, who has used the method extensively and claims an 80 per cent success rate for sex selection by placing the prospective mother on a particular diet for at least one full month before the conception. Evidence was shown that sea worms immersed in a potassium solution produce males, and those in a magnesium solution, females. The diets that I prescribe contain foods that are high in calcium and magnesium (for girls) and sodium and potassium (for boys). I also prescribe specific nutrients to optimise this pH.
3. Lunar Cycle
Dr Jonas, the Czech psychiatrist who was responsible for discovering and researching the lunar cycle of fertility and using it both for contraception and helping raise the odds in infertile situations, also claimed a very high rate of success for his sex selection theory based on the position of the moon. This may sound very astrological but we forget that the moon governs all of the Earth’s ocean tides and therefore our shipping channels around the world. It has an enormous influence on the Earth as well as our bodies, given we are also made up of 70% water.
He claims that when the moon is in a positive (male) sign of the zodiac, a boy is conceived, and vice versa. This is possibly connected to the effect of the moon on the acidity or alkalinity of the secretions of the endometrium and vagina, which then favour either gynosperm or androsperm. You will be given a year’s worth of computer calculated times for conceiving in a female or male lunar time.
It is obviously recommended to combine all 3 methods to maximise results rather than simply using one method alone. Therefore, 4 months of consultations are recommended with Claudette to learn how best to use all three methods together.
To quote Dr Jonas, ‘The worst that can happen is that a child is born whose sex is the opposite of what was wished for. However, this has happened before!’