Byron Bay Naturopath

HPV & Pap Smears

Key points

HPV, human papillomavirus, is a common sexually transmitted infection that usually shows no symptoms and resolves by itself within 2 years. It can sometimes, however, cause abnormal cell changes at the female cervix if the immune system is unable to clear the infection. Almost all cases of cervical cancer and genital warts are caused by HPV. Claudette has supported many women at all stages of infection to clear the HPV infection and heal the inflammatory cell changes using nutritional supplements, herbal medicines, dietary changes and stress management techniques.

Cervical dysplasia is a Pap smear with abnormal growth of the epithelial cells of the cervix. It is graded from CIN I-III and 90% of cervical dysplasias do not progress to cancer. If left undiagnosed and untreated, then it can progress to cervical cancer graded from stage 0-4.  Therefore, regular pap smear tests every 5 years for women 25 – 74 years of age is essential for all women who have been sexually active at any stage in their lives.


Risk Factors

  • Compromised Immune System A healthy immune function is necessary to clear HPV infection, prevent recurrence and reduce inflammatory changes within the cells. Vitamin D deficiency has also been associated with cervical dysplasia and is essential for proper immune function.
  • Smoking is an independent risk factor for cervical cancer
  • Oral Contraceptive Pill Long term use of the Pill increases risk of cervical cancer. This may be due to the high synthetic oestrogen levels or reduced nutrient absorption especially B vitamins. Discontinued use of 10 years or more reduces the risk to women who have never used it. Women taking the Pill should take a good quality multivitamin.
  • Sexual Activity and STIs First intercourse at an early age and sexual promiscuity is associated with increased cervical dysplasia. Infection with other STIs such as Chlamydia, Herpes and HIV play a role as well. Make sure you get checked by your doctor for STIs.
  • Increased Oestrogens HPV together with increased levels of 16a-hydroxyestrone increases risk of cervical dysplasia and cancer. Balancing oestrogen and progesterone levels as well as clearing excess oestrogens via the liver and bowel is essential.
  • Diet High intake of fruit and vegetables is associated with reduced risk.
  • Malnutrition Folate deficiency increases risk of persistent HPV infection and cervical cancer. Selenium has been shown to induce cell death in cervical cancer cells in vitro. Studies have found low selenium and zinc levels with high copper levels in both cervical dysplasia and cancer patients. This is particularly important in Australia and New Zealand as we have very low Selenium levels in our soil.
    Claudette has treated many women at all stages of infection to clear the HPV infection and heal the inflammatory cell changes of abnormal pap smears. Claudette uses specific Practitioner-Only nutritional supplements, herbal medicines and dietary changes as well as identifying relevant risk factors and supporting you to correct them.