Men’s health is often overlooked in the strive to achieve but the declining statistics means this needs to be prioritised by men. With two decades of clinical experience with endocrine disorders as well as lecturing and writing for The Natural Health Society on BPH, Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy, Claudette is uniquely positioned at the forefront to help you achieve optimum health and wellbeing. If you want to feel energetic and vital again, speak to Claudette about the best, scientifically researched, natural methods using herbal medicines, nutritional supplements, dietary advice, and stress management.
Common treatment conditions
- Male infertility
- BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy
- Balding
- Low libido
- Erectile dysfunction
- Andropause
- Testosterone deficiency
- Testosterone excess
- High blood pressure
- Cholesterol management
- Acne
- Testicular hypertrophy
- Thyroid imbalances
- Stress management
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Cardiovascular disease
- Sleep apnea
- Metabolic syndrome
- Weight management
A typical male in his 40’s has only 33% to 50% of the level of testosterone during his 20‟s. The most significant imbalance in older men is a decrease in free testosterone, while oestrogen levels increase. This causes low libido, low fertility and erectile dysfunction as well as poor concentration and mood, sleep problems, headaches and tinnitus, muscle weakness, constipation, high cholesterol and diabetes. There are specific herbal medicines and nutrients that can help to reverse these symptoms and keep a healthy hormonal balance for men together with a diet and lifestyle plan tailored for you. Insomnia and poor sleep may be a symptom of our modern lifestyle but this impacts testosterone level which has its major release during sleep. Making sure you also get good quality and enough sleep is essential for hormonal balance and your health long term. Claudette is experienced in working with males of all ages to ensure their body and mind stay firing with good health and energy their whole lives.